Hello, I know this isn't the exactly best place for this sort of topic but I've been struggling to find information on the possibility of this feature.
I've got a 160 GB external USB harddrive here, and I've been wanting to dump OS installation files (such as the new Windows 7) onto different partitions so I could easily select one via a boot manager and then boot up the installation process. This way I could keep all my OS installation sources on one hard drive.
However, out of all the boot managers i've used off of UBCD (which I know this forum does not directly support), none have done what i've attempted to do.
I've extracted the exact ISO's of Win XP and Win 7 so far, and none have been able to be started into the installation process. Is there a boot file im missing? Do I have to like fix the boot sectors for each partition?
I've ran out of ideas.
Boot Manager intializing OS installations?
Moderators: Icecube, StopSpazzing
Ask your question at http://boot-land.net. That forum is all about booting Windows (USB, HDD, CD, PE).
Download Ultimate Boot CD v5.0: http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/download.html
Use Parted Magic for handling all partitioning task: http://partedmagic.com/
Use Parted Magic for handling all partitioning task: http://partedmagic.com/